About AUD

          The Association to Unite the Democracies
       is a 501c3 non-profit educational membership organization

Mission Statement

The Association to Unite the Democracies (AUD) seeks federation of the world's stable democracies as the most effective means to address their common problems while protecting the member state. To that end AUD engages in (a) political and public advocacy and (b) awareness building on the concepts of international federalism through educational endeavors and academic research.

AUD Board of Directors

Hon. Mary M. Anderson
Ron Bach
Richard Biondi
George Brooks
Daniel S. Cartwright
Patricia Luce Chapman
Don Dennis
Nicholas R. Doman, Esq.
Dr. Joseph Drew
Hon. Paul Findley
Robert Frantz
Moyna Hudgens
Capt. Tom Hudgens
Erik Johnson
Dr. Jane Elligett Leitner
Robert Maddex
Allan F. Matthews
Charles P. McGlade
Dr. Robert Muller
Dr. Charles Patrick
Neal Potter
Edward Rawson
Menko Rose
Steven Rosenberg
D. Bruce Shine
Dr. Tiziana Stella
Dr. Mervin K. Strickler, Jr.
Robert Stuart
Dr. James Tipton
Rick Wicks

Advisory Board

Mary Eva Candon
Richard T. Clark
Cynthia H. Dorfman
Amb. Robert F. Ellsworth
Mayme Frank
Dr. Ralph Goldman
William B. Gunther
Timothy N. Havens
Dr. Richard Henry
Dr. William M. Irvine
Jean Lamb
Mrs. Austin Lamont
Henry Luce, III
Sen. Eugene McCarthy
Mihajlo Mihajlov
Winfried H. Oppenheimer
Amb. Robert Strausz-Hupe
Dr. Edward Teller
Dr. Miller Upton
Hon. James Wright, Jr.