Websites on Atlanticism
- The Atlantic Council of the United States
- Committee on Eastern Europe and Russia in NATO
- Documents Relating to the History of NATO and its Contemporary Issues
- The New Atlantic Initiative
Foreign Affair Institutes and Think Tanks
- American Enterprise Institute
- American Foreign Policy Council
- Balkan Institute
- Brookings
- Center for Defense Information
- Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
- Council on Foreign Relations
- Freedom House
- Hoover Institution
- Hudson Institute
- Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis
- International Relations and Security Network
- New Atlantic Initiative
Multilateral Organizations
- United Nations
- European Union
- Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
- International Energy Agency
- World Trade Organization
- Support Implementation Group (SIG) of the G-7 (Moscow)
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Federalist Websites
- The Link Lion
- Unity and Federalism
- The Federal Trust
- World Federalist Association
- Centre International de Formation Européenne (CIFE)
- Centro Italiano di Formazione Europea (CIFE)
- European Integration on the Internet
- The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: EMU
- Campaign for a European Constitution
- Grand-Place Europe
- Young European Federalists (JEF)
- Union of European Federalists
- The European Movement
- Il Federalista
- World Citizen Foundation/Fondation des Citoyens du Monde/Mondcivitana Fonduso
- Global Governance Webring
- Campaign for UN Reform
Anti-federalist websites
- The Bruges Group
- Democracy Movement
- The European Anti Maastricht Alliance
- The Eurosceptic
- Conservatives against a federal Europe
- Democratic Nations in danger
- Campaign for an Independent Britain
- Eurosceptics for a Europe of Nations
- Movimiento contra la Europa de Maastricht