Prague Series                           

                      REDEFINING EUROPE




Over the past few years, the European Union has been inching toward a very large expansion: in 2004, 10 countries will join the Union. This unprecedented enlargement has led to debate over the future of the Union and redefinition of its very structure. In parallel to all the political events leading to the actual EU enlargement, AUD and the Anglo-American University of Prague are working together to build a series of educational events  titled “Redefining Europe” and aimed at reflecting on the issues arising from the expansion. Events will be held at the Anglo-American University in Prague in 2004-2005 and include a series of conferences on federalism in the EU, the opening of an AUD office in Prague, the launching of a Masters degree in federalism, a series of conferences on the Community of Democracies by former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and the opening of a Vaclav Havel Library on Democracy.




Federalism and the Union of European Democracies

March 26-30, 2004

Prague, Czech Republic




This inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary conference marks the launch of the "REDEFINING EUROPE" series of projects. The project aims to provide a challenging forum for the examination and evaluation of the possibility of a Euro-Atlantic Partnership, which would embrace federalist ideas. In particular, the conference will focus on the new European Constitution and will consider the role of federalist principles in establishing the democratic foundation of European Union nations. Federalist principles have proven to be the pillars of well-established democracies and they should become common values shared by the U.S., the E.U., and future E.U. nations. The new E.U. Constitution should therefore reflect the principles of subsidiarity, equal representation of the nation states, and the importance of where sovereignty should reside -within the individual, the nation state, or the supra national state.


One of the unique and primary goals of the conference will be to consider the inclusion of the United States in these debates and to address a roadmap for a stronger Euro-Atlantic partnership within an enlarged European Union, in which accession and future accession states would find themselves playing a key role.


THE UNIQUENESS OF OUR APPROACH is that we are expanding our discussion to three different, yet interconnected levels of participants -Academics/Officials, Graduate Students, and High school Students- preparing and discussing issues separately at first, then connecting to share ideas and concerns. Participants will not only be meeting in Prague, they will also interact from different parts of Eastern Europe, Western Europe and the United States by means of videoconferencing.


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Academics, scholars, diplomats, and other high officials from the EU, EU candidate countries, and the United States are invited to respond to our CALL FOR PAPERS by submitting papers, reports, presentations, and workshops on any of the following themes: 

  • the new European Union Constitution and its implications

  • the role of federalism and federalist principles

  • the place and role of the United States of America

  • subsidiarity

  • equal representation of nation states

  • issues of sovereignty

  • issues of fair representation

  • implications for: education; justice; social welfare; religion; politics

  • global regional stability

  • future accession to the European Union

Papers will be peer reviewed. Selected authors will be invited to Prague to present their paper, discuss issues and share concerns with their colleagues from EU accession states, the EU, and the United States. 

All papers accepted and presented at the conference will be published in an ISBN e-Book. Selected papers will be developed and published in a themed hard copy book. 

For more detailed information about the academic conference and the comprehensive call for papers, please go to

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As the beneficiary of the Mayme and Herbert Frank Educational Fund established in 1989 to support the study of international integration and federalism at the graduate level, the Association to Unite the Democracies will sponsor two graduate students to participate in the conference -all expenses paid- to present their essay to the panel of academics and prominent speakers gathered in Prague. 


Essays are invited on the following subjects: 

  • the new European Union Constitution and its implications

  • the role of federalism and federalist principles

  • the place and role of the United States of America

  • subsidiarity

  • equal representation of nation states

  • issues of sovereignty

  • issues of fair representation

  • implications for: education; justice; social welfare; religion; politics

  • global regional stability

  • future accession to the European Union

Deadline for applying: Friday, December 12, 2003


Application Process: Essays should be of no more than 20 minutes duration (about 8 pages). Please submit your essay, a cover letter, and a copy of your graduate transcripts to the Frank Fund Program by:

  1. e-mail:

  2. fax: (202) 220-1389

  3. mail to:    

The Association to Unite the Democracies

The Frank Educational Fund


P.O. Box 77164

Washington, D.C. 20013-7164


Please click ESSAY CONTEST for more information. 


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Getting youth involved in the Prague Series "REDEFINING EUROPE" is the key to success. Students of today are tomorrow's leaders; it is therefore essential to let them share their concerns over the future of Europe and trans-Atlantic relations and to express their opinion on future alternatives. 

Organizing a student videoconference series is unique in that students from all parts of Europe and the United States will be able to share their views face-to-face at no cost.  


Between January and March 2003, a series of five videoconferences will be organized between student groups in Europe and the United States, under the supervision of AUD. Each conference will give students across the Atlantic a chance to discuss issues relating to the "Impact of European Enlargement on Transatlantic Relations", general theme for the discussion, to share their concerns and try to understand each other's point of view.


The subject:



Videoconference Series:

  • January 22, 2004: The Advantages and Disadvantages of EU enlargement for transatlantic relations 

  • February 5, 2004: The EU Constitution and its implications

  • February 19, 2004: Foreign Policy: Consequences of EU enlargement for international security

  • March 4, 2004: Globalization: Consequence of EU enlargement on economy and trade

The final videoconference of the series will be held in a different fashion on March 27, 2004 in front of the audience of academics and keynotes gathered in Prague. 

The topic for discussion of this last conference will remain unknown to students until the last minute. Unlike the previous videoconferences of the series, this one will simulate a meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers, in which  each group will represent the Minister of Foreign Affairs of a specific country involved in trans-Atlantic relations his or her team of  key advisors (economic, political etc...). 

Students-Ministers will be asked to solve a crisis in trans-Atlantic relations; in front of a panel of judges including academics and possibly high ranking politicians, they will need to discuss the issue and come up with an agreement.


Scholarship Reward!

During this last videoconference, the panel of judges will evaluate each group. The most convincing group will be awarded a scholarship.

Participants: Graduate student groups in selected universities

Several groups have already been formed in the US, Russia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Poland. We are hoping to have at least one or two groups from each area involved in the discussion: EU members, EU accession states, Eastern European countries bordering the future EU, Americans.

AUD will be holding several information sessions on campuses in November and December 2003. Please check back later to see if there will be an information session near you.


Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma

Thursday, November 20, 2003



American University, Washington, D.C.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

5:00pm-6:00pm, Butler Conference Room


University of Poznan, Poznan, Poland

Thursday, December 4, 2003

Time to be confirmed


Contact Marielle at 202-220-1388 or e-mail


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Thanks to our partnership with Global Education Motivators, we have identified a network of schools interested in contributing to the discussion. The idea behind the high school project is that each participating class would represent a specific EU, EU accession, or future EU bordering country. In class and prior to the the conference, students would study the country they represent in all aspects relating to EU, EU enlargement, and transatlantic relations. AUD would provide guidelines and material for each participating class.


For the videoconference, each class would elect one or two speakers (a "Prime Minister" and a "Minister of Foreign Affairs" for example), and their presentation to the audience gathered in Prague would be a simulation of an EU summit. After the presentation, academics and politicians will be invited to comment.


If you are interested in the high school conference, contact Marielle at 202-220-1388 or send an e-mail:


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Proposed Schedule (will be finalized late December, 2003)

Friday:           Opening Speeches

                       Plenary (committees will be assigned)

                       Committees meet

                       Evening Keynote Speaker

Saturday:       Plenary, committees report

                       Lunch (Guest Speaker)

                       Committees meet

                       Evening UNIVERSITY VIDEOCONFERENCE

Sunday:          Experience Prague: organized tour, evening opera

Monday:        Plenary, committees report


                       Committees meet

                       Evening HIGH SCHOOL VIDEOCONFERENCE

Tuesday:        Final committee reports and closing ceremony


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For more details about venue and accommodation, please click on the following link:



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Volunteers needed!!!

If you are interested in our project and would like to contribute to REDEFINING EUROPE, here are some ways you can help. We need your skills and enthusiasm!


- Get involved in our fundraising campaign;

- Market the project to your school, university, or other interested group you belong to;

- Help us design and distribute brochures and flyers;

- Create / Join one of our student videoconference groups;

- Sign up to receive regular updates;

- Support the project by donating funds.


Contact Marielle at 202-220-1388 or by e-mail:   


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