Projects & Seminars

          The Association to Unite the Democracies is a non-partisan, non-ideological, non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, DC. The organization is offering to lead constitution drafting seminars for educational purposes around the world.

The Seminar program may consist of 20 to 50 people interested in participating in the education of constitutional drafting

Seminar Program

Prior to the first day, materials will be distributed to each participant.

  • A suggested reading list

  • Sample constitutional documents

  • A model constitution and

  • A proposed agenda

Day 1

9.00 am - Session begins.

  • Seminar Leader (SL) explains the seminar procedures.

10.00 am - Seminar called to order.

  • Participants will vote on adopting rules.

  • Convention officers will be elected.

  • Committees on aspects of the constitution developed (example: Committee on Government Structure).

  • Procedures for committee actions and reports to the group as a whole will be adopted.

12.00 pm - Lunch

1.30 pm - Committees elect their officers and begin working on their aspects of drafting the constitution.

4.00 pm - The participants meet in plenary session to discuss progress.

  • Approve agenda for following session.

Day 2-4

Constitutional Construction

Day 5

9.00 am - Session meets to debate the constitution. as a whole document.

  • Vote on each committee proposal.

  • Make amendments.

4.00 pm - Closing Remarks

  • Certificates given to participants.


Copy of Final Document will be mailed to participants within 2 weeks.


Robert L. Maddex

The seminars will be under the direction of Robert L. Maddex. Mr. Maddex is an attorney in the Washington DC area. He is also the author of a number of important recent books on world constitutions, constitutional concepts and state constitutions of the United States. Mr. Maddex also specializes in human rights and remedies issues. He provided technical assistance and participated as the parliamentarian for the 1998 Hague Constitutional Convention. Mr. Maddex and assistant will provide resource materials and full time instructional guidance to the groups throughout the seminar.

The cost of each seminar will vary, based upon the number of participants and the expenses of the seminar leader.