Mayme and Herb Frank

Scholarship Program



“Freedom and peace are not inherent virtues; they are acquired social conditions which must be planned  and cultivated to prosper and live.  Our fine forbears could not build institutions which would guarantee them to us. Their progeny, we must do our part ..."

                                                                                                                                                                                        Herbert Lewis Frank

The Association to Unite the Democracies is the beneficiary of the Mayme and Herbert Frank Educational Trust, established in 1989 to support the study of international integration and federalism at the graduate level. Since 1989, the Frank Educational Fund (FEF) has managed and distributed those funds to deserving students.

1.                               Why the Frank Fund?

2.                               Who can apply?

3.                               Example of past projects

4.                               How are scholarships awarded?

5.                               Deadlines

6.                              Application Process



The study of international integration and federalism has gained attention throughout the world due to the proliferation of international organizations (NATO, NAFTA, WTO, IMF, World Bank) and the development of the European Union. The Ashburn Institute and the Association to Unite the Democracies, as advocates of a democratic international federation, believe strongly in the importance of supporting these studies and contributing to the evolution of this new international order.  

Since 1940, AUD and more recently the Ashburn Institute have been action-oriented organizations, often appealing to the highest ranks of power in the world's democracies for consideration of the federal union proposal. Yet we also recognize that in order to gain widespread appreciation of this idea, a sociological shift in attitudes will have to accompany any political action. That is why the need for education and study in this topic is so vitally important. By supporting the leaders of the future and providing them a link to the grassroots movement for federal union, we create a nexus merging the academic environment with the activist environment.

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FEF grants are available to graduate students of strong academic standing who complete one or more of the following requirements:

·         A thesis or dissertation relating to international integration and/or federalism and coursework that places major weight on international integration and/or federalism, or

·         An independent study project relating to international integration and federalism to be conducted as part of a graduate program

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Since its establishment in 1989, the Frank Educational Fund has awarded more than 100 scholarships to students worldwide. Some of the projects sponsored include:

1.       Assistance in the design of a course entitled "Federalism" and a research paper comparing the development of federalism in the US and Europe , concentrating on the way in which courts extended the role of the federal level of government.

2.       A theory-based analysis of possible federal solutions to the Cyprus problem.

3.       A paper addressing the development of federal foreign and security policies for Europe .

4.       A study project examining the role of non-governmental actors in the development of the Euro-Atlantic community and, in particular, the impact of parties and public coalitions on the process of NATO enlargement and NATO-Russia relations.

1.       A comparative analysis of the issue of East Asian Pacific integration through the prism of the history and development of the European Union.

2.       A study of the role that the EU's expansion into Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe will play in shaping the EU's common foreign policy.

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Awards are sent to the student's academic institution for direct payment of tuition and fees. They generally range from $500 to $2000 depending on relevance to the goals of the Fund, quality of the project, and academic standing of the applicant. Consideration is made by the Frank Education Fund Committee of the Ashburn Institute. 

The committee may chose to make the award in separate payments pending demonstrated progress of completion of the student's project. 

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The deadlines for application are APRIL 1st for Fall term awards and OCTOBER 1st for Spring term awards. Receipt of refusal of a scholarship award from the Frank Educational Fund does not disqualify the applicant from reapplying for a later term.

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Applicants must complete the FEF Application Form (you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. )

and submit it along with all of the following materials

1.       A description of any courses planned to be completed by the applicant during the period of the proposed grant;

2.       A concise, yet complete description of the project relating to international integration and federalism and how this will fit the requirements of the Frank Educational Fund;

3.       A brief writing sample;

4.       A copy of the applicant's graduate transcripts if currently enrolled in a graduate program (or have it sent separately by the institution; if so, indicate), or a copy of the applicant's undergraduate transcript if enrolled in a graduate program but has not yet started it.


Complete applications must be submitted to:


Association to Unite the Democracies

The Frank Educational Fund

P.O. Box 77164

Washington, D.C. 20013-7164

United States of America

Tel: 202-220-1388

Fax: 202-220-1389




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