Mayme and Herb Frank Education Fund


Recently, AUD’s Frank Educational Fund Committee reviewed all scholarship applications for the Spring Semester of 2004. Out of more than 20 applicants, four graduate students presented outstanding projects most relevant to the goals of the Frank Education Fund:

Ms. Joelle Anne Schmitz, a brilliant Fulbright scholar pursuing her research thesis at McGill University in Montreal, was awarded a scholarship in the amount of $ 1,500 for a project on Promoting Commonwealth Contagion: Managed Mutual Recognition as International Integrator toward Federalism;

Mr. Andrei Ogreazanu, a Romanian student pursuing his Master’s Degree at the University of Georgia, received $ 1,500 for his proposal on Democracy in the Gigapolis: The theory and Empirical Analysis of Transnational Democracy;

Mr. Eliot Dickinson, an American studying at the Purdue University, was awarded a $ 1,000 scholarship for his analysis of Political Asylum, Citizenship, and Immigration: Towards a Modern Immigration Law in the Federal Republic of Germany;

Ms. Svitlana Gorbova, a Ukrainian graduate at Georgetown University’s BMW Center for German and European Studies, received $ 1,000 for submitting her project on the Future of German Federalism and EU Integration.

The committee also rewarded two of AUD’s interns: Ms. Christina Bache, a graduate pursuing her Master’s degree in conflict resolution at American University, and Mr. Mariusz Frankowski, a graduate student from Poland studying international relations. Each received a scholarship in the amount of $1,000.00. The reward was based on the quality of their work, their strong commitment to AUD’s mission and goals, and a particularly strong engagement in organizing our “Redefining Europe” series of events to be held in Prague and throughout the Euro-Atlantic area in the years 2004-2005.

Congratulations to our new Frank Fund Fellows! We are proud to support young people who, through their work, contribute to the advancement of our mission.